USA California shoot

USA California shoot

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Last May I went for Tao ( to California as second cameraman and photographer to create photos and videos for a couple of Chinese fashion and outdoor brands.

The week before the shoot with had time to do location scouting and look around the famous parks and places. We went to places like Death Valley, Joshua Tree park, Las Vegas, Santa Monica, Alabama Hills.

USA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootAlabama hillsFashion shoot USAUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootDSCF4979USA California shootFashion shoot USAUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUSA California shootUnicareJoycornFashion shoot USAFashion shoot USAFashion shoot USA

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